Our Priority is YOUR Professional Development - Let's Design and Deliver it Together
Priority PD
No school or organization is a blank slate. You, the client, come with strengths, needs, resources, and staffing challenges. PriorityPD listens, while the client talks. Together we discuss and identify your greatest strengths and your greatest challenges and identify an entry point and course of positive movement.
PriorityPD believes in small bites. Small bites of new knowledge and skills. Providing teachers opportunity to wrap their heads around where they are and where they are going. There is a huge paradigm shift in the teaching of reading. The former Print to Speech, now starts with Speech that is mapped onto Print.
PriorityPD is currently only offering Virtual Synchronous Workshops and Meetings. Workshop Content is collaboratively designed to meet the needs of the client. Workshops are offered in three different time blocks.
The three time blocks are:
1 Hour: Meetings with administrators, staffs and office hours.
2 Hours: Workshops: One hour of theory followed by one hour of implementation based on grade level or student learning need. The workshop is part of syllabus or may be topic requested by trainees.
3 Hours: Typically selected by well-established PLC’s (Professional Learning Communities), with an on-going multiple year Literacy Initiative. Two to three units are purchased per semester. There is a required 15-minute break-from-screen built into this three-hour workshop.