
Jean Schedler – The Founder of Priority PD

Jean Schedler, Ph.D. of PriorityPD, is uniquely qualified as a Reading/Dyslexia expert. She began her educational career as a classroom teacher, where her love of teaching reading blossomed. After receiving a Masters in Education with a Reading Specialty, she remained frustrated in her lack of understanding of the reading process, and fascinated by a disability being labeled “dyslexia”.

She went on to received her PhD from the University of North Carolina Greensboro, and also began formal training and credential as a Fellow in the Orton-Gillingham Approach through the Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators [now knowns at the Orton-Gillingham Academy].

Jean is a past president of the Maryland Chapter, former Regional Representative, and Orton Oak of the International Dyslexia Association (previously known as the Orton Dyslexia Society).

Most recently she completed a two-year practicum to become a Learning Forward Academy Graduate. Learning Forward shows you how to plan, implement, and measure high-quality professional learning so you and your team can achieve success with your system, your school, and your students.

Her Recent Works

  • Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills (2018) 4th Edition. Brookes Publishing Company (2018). This text has been approved as a CORE Resource in the Teaching of Reading at multiple universities.
  • Chapter 18: Designing the Learning Environment and Planning Multisensory Structured Literacy Lessons (Judith R. Birsh, Jean Schedler, and Robin Anderson Singer)

Webinars: Margaret Byrd Rawson Institute
Literacy Access Project: Webinars
Topic: Comprehension (1 hour) Jean Schedler
Topic: Context Matters (1 hour) Jean Schedler